Chained Selects Step-by-step: Implement list group for select list arrays Many server side scripts support form element arrays and usually those elements are named as, for example, cars[]: <select name="cars[]"> ... <select name="cars[]"> so that the server script can refer to them as cars[0], cars[1], etc. If you have multiple sets of select lists that share the same list content, like the following: <select name="makes[]"> <select name="types[]"> <select name="models[]"> ... <select name="makes[]"> <select name="types[]"> <select name="models[]"> and your server script would refer to them as makes[0], types[0] and models[0], ..., makes[n], types[n] and models[n], then you can use the initListGroups() call once instead of using the initListGroup() call many times, like this: <body onload="initListGroups('vehicles', document.forms[0]['makes[]'], document.forms[0]['types[]'], document.forms[0]['models[]'])"> The 'cookie-name' and callback-function parameters will also work with the initListGroups() call. Click [ here ] to see a demo page. [ Set up option groups in a list group ] [ Back to main page ] # # #